Do you think anger is a sincere emotion or the timid motion of a fragile heart trying to beat away its pain?

Thursday, December 13, 2012

It is done!

Today has been a crazy day. I've officially finished all three of the classes for the semester and all the work for the fourth class that was due to make the Incomplete official. With that, I am officially on winter break!

As a perfectly timed reward, I got to ride the gelding I mentioned before today. His name is Harmony (which, other Potter fans, please tell me I'm not the only one who automatically thinks of Harry/Hermione shippers at that!) and he's a sweetheart. Not much of a looker, but a heart of gold. Today was the first time in two years and three months that I've been on a horse. Not only that, but I got to jump too. My legs are now tired to the point I can't actually pick them up to move from the gas pedal to the brake, but oh boy was it worth it. Now just to get the leg strength back to keep my legs in a better position and lose all the weight I've gained since I stopped riding (even with which, by the way, I still managed to fit into the same breeches that I wore back then!)...

In other news, I think my mother and I have decided on what I will legally change my name too. As I want to keep my initials the same, Jay, which I still plan to use in daily life, will become my middle name. We found and agreed upon a name that is actually fairly similar to my birth name. (Ironically, according to Wikipedia, this name is also the name of an important figure in Hinduism. Apparently I'm destined to be related to Hinduism somehow, though this will be a demotion from a head Goddess to a mythical hero.) As much as I detested my mother's original suggestion for a first name, I really felt she deserved to be a part of me finding a name. I know it's hard for her to watch her child transition and to lose the connection to the name she gave me at birth; I want to mitigate that as much as possible for her.

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