Do you think anger is a sincere emotion or the timid motion of a fragile heart trying to beat away its pain?

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Yays and Boos

Stealing this format from Mama because there's really just no other succinct way to sum up today (because, as evidenced by my previous posts, I clearly strive for succinctness... Right...)

  • Yay Gap! Their "Love Comes in All Shades" holiday advert series is seriously precious and includes queer people and people of color in it and includes Rufus Wainwright and his hubby, both of whom I'd like to cuddle.
  • Boo new coworker. When you're talking to a coworker whom you've only met in passing, you really should put on your filter. When they awkwardly stumble over calling The Fiancée their ex, going on for 20 minutes about how clearly the relationship ended because The Fiancée began seeing someone else is not a way to befriend me. Telling me I'm lying when I say that, no matter how heartbroken I was, I'm legitimately happy about the prospect of her being happy is also not the way to endear yourself to me. Telling me how you, as a straight person, love hanging out with gay guys does not make me like you and will bring you damn close to faghag territory with how stupid you are. Furthermore, when we've discussed two different pronunciations of my birth name that I accept, mispronouncing it a third way is ridiculous. Finally, when I present as very masculine and say I date women, now is probably not a good time to start mocking transgender people and how bizarre they are and laughing like we're the funniest freaks in all the world because hey I AM ONE YOU DUMB BITCH.
  • Yay The Professor telling me he likes to nitpick my work because the points he brings up are things he can focus on because I "have a higher ceiling of possibility than most other students" and he'd like to see me working at that level. Not to mention, while the average grades of the class for his two tests are 76% and a C-, mine were 92% and 96% respectively.
  • Boo to all of the above information, because it means I have to redo my freaking term video (our equivalent of a term paper) that I spent numerous hours on because of the little nitpicked things. Granted, according to The Professor, I don't have to redo it, and it would mean only a slight loss of points for formatting issues, but, as he said, "I know you better than that and I know you'd like your work to be as best as possible, so...". Remind me why I'm so desperate to impress him again?!
  • Yay for Christmas carols!
  • Boo for still having the Chicken Dance stuck in my head for (yes, literally) 6 weeks straight.
  • Yay for being able to finally see the end of the semester, even with the fact I have to redo my term video and take an incomplete.
  • Boo for the fact that I was running late today because my stupid snake decided to go to the bathroom all down my (one and only) bra, so I spent the day feeling like I smelled like digested mouse bits.
  • (Brevity is clearly not my strong point, even in bullet points.)

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