We now interrupt our regularly scheduled complaining for technology-induced complaining.
I swear to the freaking Flying Spaghetti Monster that the week before finals in the Fall has a curse. This time last year, my hard drive crashed, losing my final papers along with all my pictures from Italy and the screenshots I'd taken of The Fiancée while we Skyped over night. Now, this semester, last week my laptop charger died, my backup 4.5 year old charger died tonight, and the Apple Store sold me the wrong freaking charger (at what point, when I tell you my laptop is 1.5 old, does that tell you to sell me a MagSafe 2?!) and I didn't discover that until I got home with only 7 minutes until their store closed. On the less technological front, my apartment complex's plumbing essentially exploded and filled my bathroom with black sludge, my wall is torn apart to install a heater after mine had three separate gas leaks, and my car door handle is broken (though my windows work now!).
Let's just that these past two weeks can't go die in a hole.
Or a tire-fire.