I'm currently in my home town (well, home county, really, but potato potahto) working a large conference interpreting for Deafblind people. This is the third year running that I've volunteered at this conference; this year, I was actually specifically asked by the coordinator if I would be willing to give my time again. I love tactile interpreting and, while this isn't always the easiest or most enjoyable of conferences to work at, it's certainly a great experience to put on a resumé and helps foster a network with an organization I certainly wouldn't mind working for in the future. Not to mention, it gives me a great excuse to skive off of school for a few days under the excuse that I'm really working for the school (my university is the hosting organization for the conference; why they choose to host it nearly four hours away from the school continues to baffle me).
Today, after a very long day of working there, though, I really felt God laying San Diego on my heart. As graduation looms, I've become oddly sentimental about my new county. I'm vaguely loathe to leave it, to the point I'm seriously considering applying for jobs around there so I can remain there. For a while, it actually seemed like God was opening doors up there for me to stay longer term. Yet, as I worked down here and interacted with an old professor and professional contacts, I feel like God is really pushing me back down here. That's an odd feeling to have. I know He'll open the doors to where ever I'm supposed to end up, no matter what county that happens to be in. I just wasn't expecting for Him to push so hard for me to come back down here. I suppose we'll see where He puts me in just a few short months' time!
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