Just when the rain seems to have stopped for a bit, a new storm appears.
I attempted to seek counseling at our local rape trauma center, as I was advised to do when I underwent the rape exam. I kept most of my issues from them; I know I'm frequently considered too much of a liability to less experienced counselors. They didn't need to know about the BPD, the bipolar, the past passive nor current active suicidality, the apparently different way I view the world due to my uncommonly high IQ and the fact it makes me act like an Aspie sometimes, none of it. To them, I could be the perfect, hurting rape victim.
The one mistake I made? I told them that, the evening when I was raped and was left alone after, I hurt myself. I didn't even tell them how bad and deep and numerous it was. Just a little slip up in my recovery after a traumatic event, yes sir.
After several meetings with her supervisor, my counselor told me I was too much of a risk, a danger to myself, a liability to their program, and they were unable and unfit to help me. She gave me a list of useless referrals.
All I heard? "You are too fucked up to be helped, even by those who are trained in helping. You are not welcome here, either."
Welcome to my life.
ETA: Apparently the one person who believes me welcome? My rapist, who attempted to add me on Facebook. I feel so worthwhile.
This is exactly the type of situation the "block" button exists to address, in re: the facespace. As for the counselor...ouch. I can absolutely see how that would be super-hurtful. I'm sorry you aren't finding more helpful resources. And I hate to put myself in the company of your rapist, but I believe you to be entirely welcome. So THERE.